Not being in Italy means I can't take all the photos I want to create the before and after extravaganza I'm planning, but as the last minutes of 2013 tick by it seems a good time to have a review.
I'll start by introducing the property as it was introduced to us by the agent (seen below!): il palazzotto. Strictly speaking it means little palace, and we kinda liked that so the name stuck and is how we've referred to it ever since - it just seems rude to demean a little palace by calling it a house!
So, Il Palazzotto (now its proper name!) hadn't been lived in for years. We couldn't see some parts because they had no light or were unstable. It was cracked, decrepit and crumbling down:
(Want a closer look? Click on any photo.)
Entranceway: Before and After

Living Room: Before and After
Bedroom: Before and After
Kitchen: Before and After
Remember the first photos I shared with you of our grim roof terrace in looking-for-inspiration? I promised you then a Sarah Beeny/ Kevin McCloud reveal and here it is:
Roof Terrace: Before and After
There's also been the creation of two apartments on the ground floor that started life like this:
And, nearly finished, look like this:
And, simultaneously, the conversion of one giant house to 8 flats in SE UK went from this:
To finished and on the market one week before Christmas, with one already sold STC:
So it's been a full year, a challenging year and one where I've learned a lot. But I've never for a minute regretted our decision to buy Il Palazzotto.
And, importantly, a new oven in a new kitchen in a new country, hasn't affected my brownies!!