Before you start to worry that you've missed all the good bits of the project already, the reality is, this house took us a year just to buy it! April of last year we first saw it and 31st March of this year we completed the purchase. That's a long time by anyone's standards and this building was a really tricky one to get finance on - I think it was the 7th broker who managed to get us a mortgage! Good news is, getting all the problems resolved to sort out the finance have already added real value so not only am I super excited to share with you our plans for transforming this space, I'm happy to say this renovation ragazza hasn't lost her touch since becoming a mama!
So all this is an introduction to the next big project. She's a beautiful old Victorian house and will be our biggest home to date by far, particularly exciting as Mr RR, little man and I have all been living in a 1 bed since he was born! Where the 1 bed has been affectionately known as the little house, this new one is the big house, hereafter BH.
The story so far is that while the electricians and guys working on the windows did a few days last week, the builders didn't start proper until yesterday. But boy did they make their presence known! It makes me so happy to see things happening - all the old tiles off the walls, all the old showers out. It's destruction but such good destruction! I'll get some before and after photos to you soon showing the rip out. But here's a little glimpse of the old dear's charm.

The big news yesterday was that a lady walked past and asked one of the guys working if I'd be interested in selling BH to her! I'm proud to say that's happened before on projects and I always take it as an incredible compliment, but to have that on the very first day is a new record!
So that's it for now. I'm not sure how often I'm going to get on here or how much sense my ramblings will make as life is a lot busier now than it was when working on the Italian project, but I'm so excited about our plans for BH and I'd like to share it with you, so I truly hope you'll enjoy coming along for the ride.
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