Monday, 14 January 2013

A trying day

There's no nice way to put this: I got very hot under the collar today while dealing with my project manager and lost my calm veneer a little for the first time ever in Italy, which made me really uncomfortable.  The joke is, this wasn't in the meeting with the builder and project manager for our new Italian home but on the phone a couple of hours earlier with the project manager of a UK project I have starting at just the same time!  Who'd have thought the Italian one would be the easy one (so far - let's wait to see how many weeks it is before I am eating those words!)

I find it bizarre that my two very different projects in two different countries would end up with the work starting the same week and pretty much identical finish dates too in mid-June.  Here's to making sweeping generalisations or critical comparisons between UK and Italian builders, their work ethic and excuses as time goes on!  Who will come out on top?!  I have an idea - what do you think?

Tomorrow I'm going with the builder and my friend to see an example of his previous work in a countryside villa.  He told me today about a marble bath he put in that cost €13,000 (more than £10,000!) so I think the scale and grandeur may be a couple of notches up from ours!  Still, I'm up for pinching as many ideas as I can!

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