I've realised that I will make compromises on this project in a way I don't back in UK. For example, in UK I would browse different fridges or baths online and easily compare dimensions and prices, but here shopping seems to be done by going in person into shops - can you imagine?! With my limited Italian and limited patience I suspect I'll settle for what I can find rather than continue trawling round and round for the perfect piece! In UK I would likely order as much as 75% my fixtures and fittings via ebay for the great prices and convenience of having everything delivered to the door, but I'm not sure that's going to happen here either. The answer to every question whether it be where to source a kitchen, bathroom tiles or sofa seems to be "there is a great shop in the next town; very high quality". Fantastic except, (and this is where I get most nervous) everything here is such good quality, I am afraid my "economical" approach to kitting out a property which in UK is good business, may be seen here as a crude weakness! Will I be seduced by the "it will last 50 years" quality products that are the norm here? I'm as frustrated as the next person by washing machines that pack up a week outside the 12 month warranty, but will I have stunning glass Bisazza tiles at £120/sqm lining my bathroom 6 months from now?

Given the UK is, let's be honest, a small country and Italy is proud to be home to the best designer labels, it has surprised me just how much influence GREAT Britain has. English words turn up on T Shirts with surprising frequency (I find it amusing/bizarre that so many parents have no concept of what their children's clothing announces!), shops have English names and even the iconic Union Jack and other symbols of Britain sometimes pop up where you least expect them.
Makes one quite proud! Rule Britannia!
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